Instagram marketing: 4 cose da fare per promuovere un bar

Instagram marketing: 4 things to do to promote a bar

Are you looking for the best strategy to be successful on social media? Find out how to promote your café on Instagram with our practical advice.
October 18, 2018
Tags: bar Barista
Buoni pasto: il vero vantaggio è la formula digitale

Meal vouchers: the real advantage is the digital formula

Electronic meal vouchers are one of the novelties in catering. Find out what benefits they can bring to bars and restaurants.
September 14, 2018
Guadagnare a Ferragosto: 3 fattori da non dimenticare

Earning in August: 3 factors not to be forgotten

Does the restaurant remain open on August 15th? Find out how this opportunity can help you manage a successful bar and increase sales.
August 02, 2018
La cura dei social: 3 consigli di marketing per ristoranti

Social media curation: 3 marketing tips for restaurants

Now more than ever, restaurant marketing leverages social media. Keep up with our 3 tips to improve your online presence.
July 05, 2018
Come gestire un bar in estate: fai il check-up completo

How to run a bar in the summer: get the full check-up

Are you ready to face the season in your club? Do a full check with our 5 tips on how to run a bar in the warmer months, offering impeccable service.
June 14, 2018
Doggy bag e altre idee contro lo spreco alimentare

Doggy bag and other ideas against food waste

From doggy bags to waste-free storage: all the ideas against food waste in catering. Find out more in our article.
April 19, 2018
Fidelizzare il cliente: nuove idee per l'8 marzo

Customer loyalty: new ideas for March 8th

March, month of special anniversaries. One in particular - that of March 8 - may prove to be a new strategy for retaining a bar's customer. Find how.
March 02, 2018
Corso di aggiornamento gratuito a Parma

Free refresher course in Parma

To mark in the agenda: refresher course on Tuesday 27 February in Parma. Discover the program and how to participate in Food Expert: Innovation Time
February 22, 2018
Idee per un bar: vendere a San Valentino

Ideas for a bar: selling on Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is approaching and we have thought of some ideas to exploit the potential of this anniversary. Discover our ideas based on fantasy and romance.
February 01, 2018
Idee per attirare clienti in un bar: cinque spunti per Natale

Ideas for attracting customers to a bar: five ideas for Christmas

Christmas is perfect for increasing sales, because the Festive atmosphere encourages people to spend more time away from home, especially if in a convivial context such as a bar or restaurant. Check out our five ideas for attracting customers to a café this Christmas.
December 08, 2017
Autocontrollo HACCP: come gestire gli allergeni

HACCP self-control: how to manage allergens

The HACCP self-control plan is the set of health and hygiene standards that regulates the regulations for the food industry. Among the topics covered, food allergens is one of the most important for customer protection.
September 25, 2017
Regolamento dehors per bar e locali, come fare?

Dehors regulation for bars and clubs, how to do it?

Dehors regulation, a world of municipal regulations that place restrictions on the furnishing of the summer expanse. With this article we will focus on the rules and aspects to be taken into consideration when extending your restaurant outdoors.
April 13, 2017