Ottimizzare la tua attività ristorativa in località turistiche: 6 consigli

Optimizing your restaurant business in tourist locations: 6 tips

Running a restaurant business in a tourist location can be a challenge, but with the right strategies and equipment, you can attract and retain customers throughout the season. Here are...
Menu senza glutine, scopri le proposte di Techfood

Gluten-free menu, discover the proposals of Techfood

The week of celiac disease is an opportunity to rethink the gluten-free menu and the gluten-free offer of your establishment. Techfood has created solutions that allow each establishment to create a gluten-free proposal in complete safety, without contamination and in a small space. Find out what they are with this article.
Tradizione, Cibo e Divertimento: come organizzare una serata greca nel tuo locale

Tradition, Food and Fun: how to organize a Greek evening in your restaurant

Theme parties are a perfect way to create special moments and involve the participants in a unique experience. When you return from your holidays , one of the most intriguing...
Come rendere un locale baby friendly.

How to make a place baby friendly.

There are not many baby-friendly establishments, i.e. equipped to accommodate children in the best possible way, in Italy. This type of establishment, in fact, is more widespread in northern Europe,...
3 idee per la ripartenza efficiente di un agriturismo

3 ideas for the efficient restart of an agritourism

The white area has allowed recovery, but it will be the innovative ideas for agritourism that will encourage maximum development. Let's see which ones.
Dpcm Natale: le delivery box per non fermarsi

Dpcm Christmas: the delivery boxes so as not to stop

While waiting for Dpcm Christmas, restaurants and bars are preparing for the most rigid scenarios. Italy in the red or orange zone, what to do?
3 soluzioni per ridurre i costi di gestione

3 solutions to reduce management costs

If the costs for managing the bar seem too high to you, find out how to reduce expenses and waste with Techfood equipment.