Running a restaurant business in a tourist location can be a challenge, but with the right strategies and equipment, you can attract and retain customers throughout the season. Here are some useful tips and equipment that can make a difference in your venue.


Know your audience

In a tourist location, the clientele can be very varied. It is important to know the profile of your typical customers, such as families, young couples, foreign tourists, and adapt your menu and service accordingly. Offer dishes that can satisfy different palates and take into account any special dietary needs such as vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options

Varied and adaptable menu

A varied menu is essential to satisfy a diverse clientele. Versatile equipment like the Rondò Unika by Techfood can be a real ace up the sleeve. This multifunctional machine allows you to prepare a wide range of dishes, from sweet to savory, such as crêpes, pancakes, waffles, churros and much more. Thanks to its interchangeable plates and ease of use, you will be able to quickly adapt the menu according to customer preferences and different times of the day.

Innovative and trendy proposals

Innovation is key to attracting the attention of tourists. Introduce original and spectacular desserts like those prepared with Ice N Roll into your venue. This machine allows you to create freshly rolled ice creams, combining fresh and creative ingredients. Whether it's fruit ice creams, alcoholic sorbets or gourmet combinations, Ice N Roll can become the main attraction of your venue, perfect for hot summer afternoons and to amaze customers. 



Speed ​​and efficiency in service

In a tourism environment, rapid service is essential to handle the influx of customers. Equipment like Techfood's Space Bun , which allows you to prepare sealed sandwiches and sandwiches in less than a minute, can significantly increase the efficiency of your staff. This allows you to quickly serve fresh, tasty dishes without compromising quality, keeping customers satisfied and reducing waiting times. 



Welcoming environment and atmosphere

First impressions count a lot. Make sure your place is always clean, well furnished and welcoming. Good lighting, background music and thematic decorations can create a pleasant atmosphere that keeps customers coming back.

Staff training

A well-trained staff is crucial to the success of a restaurant. Make sure your staff is friendly, professional and knowledgeable about the menu. Periodic training can help maintain a high level of service and motivate the team.


Investing in innovative and versatile equipment can transform your restaurant business into a popular destination for tourists. Not only will you improve the efficiency and quality of service, but you will also be able to offer a unique and memorable dining experience to your customers.

For more information on Techfood equipment, contact us to discover all the solutions available for your venue.