Come migliorare il menù del tuo ristorante: estetica, funzionalità e tecnologia

How to Improve Your Restaurant Menu: Aesthetics, Functionality and Technology

How to improve your restaurant menu with design, language and digital strategies. An effective menu can influence customer choices and strengthen your identity.

Veganuary: Un'Opportunità di Business per Ristoranti e Locali

Veganuary: A Business Opportunity for Restaurants and Venues

Discover how Veganuary can become a business opportunity for restaurants and venues. Ideas, strategies and Techfood solutions for a successful vegan menu!

Social media per la ristorazione: Google My Business

Social Media for Restaurants: Google My Business

A series of articles to understand what are the best Social Media Marketing strategies for restaurants . Today we start with Google My Business , an essential tool to increase...
Gelateria in inverno, perché no?

4 strategies for selling in ice cream parlors even in winter.

For ice cream parlors, winter is a season marked by significant declines in sales. We offer you some ideas to boost sales even in winter.
Gli step per aprire una gelateria di successo

The steps to open a successful ice cream shop

2016 marks a positive trend in Italian consumption away from home. The positive economic situation can be a good reason to open an ice cream shop, but what are the aspects not to be overlooked in order to have a popular activity? We explain to you the key factors for a successful business.
September 17, 2024
I Food Truck più curiosi del mondo

I Food Truck più curiosi del mondo

Negli ultimi anni, i food truck hanno rivoluzionato il settore della ristorazione, offrendo una soluzione versatile, conveniente e spesso sorprendente per gustare piatti unici. Nel panorama globale, alcuni food truck...
Ottimizzare la tua attività ristorativa in località turistiche: 6 consigli

Optimizing your restaurant business in tourist locations: 6 tips

Running a restaurant business in a tourist location can be a challenge, but with the right strategies and equipment, you can attract and retain customers throughout the season. Here are...
Dehors: idee innovative per gli spazi esterni

Dehors: idee innovative per gli spazi esterni

Con l'arrivo della stagione estiva, l'apertura di spazi all'aperto nei bar e nei ristoranti diventa una strategia vincente per attirare nuovi clienti e incrementare i profitti. In questo articolo, esploreremo...
Scopri Ice N Roll: la soluzione per il tuo menù estivo

Scopri Ice N Roll: la soluzione per il tuo menù estivo

Vuoi distinguerti nella stagione estiva offrendo ai tuoi clienti qualcosa di davvero unico? Ice N Roll è la risposta che stavi cercando. Creatività, freschezza e versatilità si fondono in questa...
April 18, 2024
Locali plastic free: le alternative ecologiche

Plastic-free premises: ecological alternatives

Some ideas to make your bar plastic free and compliant with European legislation. It doesn't take much, find out how to help the planet.
April 16, 2024
Prima pagina su Google: consigli per raggiungere la vetta

First place on Google: tips for reaching the top

In Italy there are 150,000 bars, a numerous competition to learn to fight even online. Find out how to appear on Google.
April 16, 2024
Strategie per ottimizzare il food cost e ridurre le spese energetiche in un bar

How to save on food costs and bar utilities

There are many methods to reduce the costs of a bar, but the first is to choose the equipment capable of containing food costs and utilities. Discover the best Techfood solutions.
April 15, 2024