Ottimizzare la tua attività ristorativa in località turistiche: 6 consigli

Optimizing your restaurant business in tourist locations: 6 tips

Running a restaurant business in a tourist location can be a challenge, but with the right strategies and equipment, you can attract and retain customers throughout the season. Here are...
Come rendere un locale baby friendly.

How to make a place baby friendly.

There are not many baby-friendly establishments, i.e. equipped to accommodate children in the best possible way, in Italy. This type of establishment, in fact, is more widespread in northern Europe,...
3 soluzioni per ridurre i costi di gestione

3 solutions to reduce management costs

If the costs for managing the bar seem too high to you, find out how to reduce expenses and waste with Techfood equipment.
Turismo di prossimità: puntate sui Millennials

Proximity tourism: bet on the Millennials

Millennials dictate the trends of food and wine tourism, Techfood responds with an original proposal: Ice N Roll, the ice cream for happy hour.
July 30, 2019