Creare un menu con l'esclusiva app di Techfood

Create a menu with the exclusive Techfood app

A new Techfood offer intended only for its agents and best customers. "Create your menu" is the exclusive application to create a menu with a clean and accurate design in a simple way.
Come attirare clienti nel locale a Natale

How to attract customers to your club at Christmas

The magic of Christmas can be a plus point to fascinate people, enticing them to spend special moments in your shop. Some ideas to attract customers to the restaurant during the Christmas holidays.
Cooking day, una giornata di formazione per ristoratori in Techfood

Cooking day, a training day for restaurateurs in Techfood

A training day for restaurateurs with the Techfood chef, to learn how to use the machinery, some service tricks and new recipes
Idee per bar e locali al rientro delle ferie

Ideas for bars and clubs after the holidays

Ideas and advice to maximize your profit after returning from the summer holidays. What are the September trends in the aperitif theme.
Marketing per bar e ristoranti: ecco alcune idee per la festa della mamma

Marketing for bars and restaurants: here are some ideas for Mother's Day

Mother's Day is celebrated on May 10 and it will be an excellent opportunity to take advantage of to attract customers to your establishment and promote a social campaign to increase profiles and increase traffic to your site.