Un menu pranzo veloce e leggero con Combi Wave

A quick and light lunch menu with Combi Wave

Creating a quick and light lunch is simple with Combi Wave. The innovative Techfood oven quickly offers a varied menu to a large audience. Here are some ideas for all tastes.


"Verdure per bambini" – queste tre parole possono spesso evocare immagini di “lotta” con bambini che si rifiutano categoricamente di mangiare le verdure. Tuttavia, con un po' di creatività e...
May 31, 2024
Menù smart: dall’antipasto al dolce con un forno

Smart menu: from appetizers to desserts with an oven

Combi Wave Smart is the oven for small venues that want to create a complete menu. Discover some recipes to offer to customers.
April 15, 2024
Tags: bar menu
Ricette di Maggio: nuove idee per un menù vario

May recipes: new ideas for a varied menu

Asparagus, artichokes and legumes are foods with their own strong character, able to offer dishes and courses that satisfy every palate. From the customer on a diet to those who appreciate strong flavours, from the aperitif to the second course passing through the first course, they represent seasonal allies for proposing original and tasty May recipes. Discover our May recipes.
April 11, 2024
Aperitivo Time: ricette autunnali veloci

Aperitif time: quick autumn recipes

From food to drink, seasonality can be a plus for a varied proposal. Discover our quick autumn recipes for an aperitif.
Menù estivo: i consigli per le località turistiche

Summer menu: advice for tourist locations

August is the most popular month for Italian holidays, according to some research the sea remains the preferred destination, but the number of tourists is growing in high-altitude areas and tourist cities. Suggestions for a summer menu to be proposed based on the location, whether it's the sea, the mountains or the city.
Menù primaverile, i consigli dello chef

Spring menu, the chef's suggestions

Spring is now in its full essence and the freshness of this season can prove to be a creative starting point for creating a spring menu to offer in your establishment. The advice of Simone Agosta, chef and Techfood Academy manager.
Menù natalizio per locali: 5 piatti originali da inserire

Christmas menu for clubs: 5 original dishes to include

Christmas is approaching, prepare an original Christmas menu to surprise your customers. Discover the five dishes that I can't miss.
December 07, 2023
Space Bun: creatività e velocità in ogni momento della giornata

Space Bun: creativity and speed at any time of the day

In the world of catering, innovation is the key to standing out and surprising customers with unique and tasty dishes.  Techfood has taken a step forward in this sector, introducing...
Idee semplici per una pausa pranzo in spiaggia o… al parco

Simple ideas for an original summer lunch menu

The lunch break must become a break from working life, especially in the summer. Varying the offer proposed and creating fresh and original recipes is a great way to take care of customers. We offer you some variations on salad or cold pasta for a special summer lunch.
Pranzo da asporto originale: menu dell'operaio e dell'impiegato

Original takeaway lunch: worker and employee menu

For establishments in an industrial area, the lunch break is a profitable moment. Find out how to increase sales and loyalty with 2 personalized offers.
September 10, 2020
Menu di Pasqua: 3 ricette del vostro locale da riproporre in casa

Easter menu: 3 recipes from your restaurant to re-propose at home

Ideas for a quick Easter menu? 3 filled savory crêpes, perhaps rolled up like cigars or cut into wedges.
April 17, 2019