Menù Oktoberfest: cinque piatti immancabili

Oktoberfest menu: five unmissable dishes

Oktoberfest is a special occasion for pubs and breweries to create a themed menu in honor of the Bavarian festival. Discover the five dishes to absolutely include in the Oktoberfest menu.
April 10, 2024
Menù estivo: i consigli per le località turistiche

Summer menu: advice for tourist locations

August is the most popular month for Italian holidays, according to some research the sea remains the preferred destination, but the number of tourists is growing in high-altitude areas and tourist cities. Suggestions for a summer menu to be proposed based on the location, whether it's the sea, the mountains or the city.
pane gluten free


How to make your place gluten-free and suitable for celiac and intolerant customers in a few simple steps.
Menù primaverile, i consigli dello chef

Spring menu, the chef's suggestions

Spring is now in its full essence and the freshness of this season can prove to be a creative starting point for creating a spring menu to offer in your establishment. The advice of Simone Agosta, chef and Techfood Academy manager.
Menù natalizio per locali: 5 piatti originali da inserire

Christmas menu for clubs: 5 original dishes to include

Christmas is approaching, prepare an original Christmas menu to surprise your customers. Discover the five dishes that I can't miss.
December 07, 2023
Idee semplici per una pausa pranzo in spiaggia o… al parco

Simple ideas for an original summer lunch menu

The lunch break must become a break from working life, especially in the summer. Varying the offer proposed and creating fresh and original recipes is a great way to take care of customers. We offer you some variations on salad or cold pasta for a special summer lunch.
5 piatti per bar in 5 minuti con 1 unico forno

5 dishes for bars in 5 minutes with 1 single oven

A first course is eaten willingly, even at the little bar, provided it is good and prepared quickly. 5 dishes for bars ready in 5 minutes.
Menu di Pasqua: 3 ricette del vostro locale da riproporre in casa

Easter menu: 3 recipes from your restaurant to re-propose at home

Ideas for a quick Easter menu? 3 filled savory crêpes, perhaps rolled up like cigars or cut into wedges.
April 17, 2019
Menu di primavera: 4 ricette a base di fiori

Spring menu: 4 recipes based on flowers

A spring menu, recipes with edible flowers to amaze your customers from appetizers to desserts. Discover our proposals and try them now.
March 20, 2019
Menu invernale: 5 piatti della tradizione italiana da riscoprire

Winter menu: 5 traditional Italian dishes to rediscover

Varying the restaurant's menu from season to season is a good practice so as not to bore the clientele. Here are 5 regional winter recipes to turn things around.
November 22, 2018
Idee per il buffet a pranzo: 4 ricette facili e veloci

Ideas for the lunch buffet: 4 quick and easy recipes

Are you looking for ideas for buffets to offer for lunch in your restaurant? We have 4 quick and easy recipes ready for you to prepare, a complete menu from appetizers to desserts.
Pasta alla carbonara: 3 ricette gustose

Carbonara pasta: 3 tasty recipes

Pasta alla carbonara is one of the most famous recipes in our country, which lends itself to many variations. Find out how to prepare one or more special proposals.
April 05, 2018