Un menu pranzo veloce e leggero con Combi Wave

A quick and light lunch menu with Combi Wave

Creating a quick and light lunch is simple with Combi Wave. The innovative Techfood oven quickly offers a varied menu to a large audience. Here are some ideas for all tastes.
Ricette di Maggio: nuove idee per un menù vario

May recipes: new ideas for a varied menu

Asparagus, artichokes and legumes are foods with their own strong character, able to offer dishes and courses that satisfy every palate. From the customer on a diet to those who appreciate strong flavours, from the aperitif to the second course passing through the first course, they represent seasonal allies for proposing original and tasty May recipes. Discover our May recipes.
April 11, 2024
Menù estivo: i consigli per le località turistiche

Summer menu: advice for tourist locations

August is the most popular month for Italian holidays, according to some research the sea remains the preferred destination, but the number of tourists is growing in high-altitude areas and tourist cities. Suggestions for a summer menu to be proposed based on the location, whether it's the sea, the mountains or the city.
pane gluten free


How to make your place gluten-free and suitable for celiac and intolerant customers in a few simple steps.
Menù natalizio per locali: 5 piatti originali da inserire

Christmas menu for clubs: 5 original dishes to include

Christmas is approaching, prepare an original Christmas menu to surprise your customers. Discover the five dishes that I can't miss.
December 07, 2023
Menu di Capodanno, la proposta di Techfood

New Year's menu, the Techfood proposal

The end of the year is approaching, and with it the preparations for the New Year's menu. A special occasion to enhance the offer, increasing the chances of being chosen by customers looking for a place to celebrate the start of the new year.
December 22, 2016
Menù di primavera: qualche consiglio del nostro chef

Spring menu: some advice from our chef

Some advice from our chef for your spring menus: the watchwords are fresh, colorful and fragrant thanks to vegetables, fish and spices.
Idee per menù di Pasqua: creatività per il tuo bar!

Ideas for Easter menus: creativity for your bar!

Ideas for a different Easter menu, an opportunity to attract customers in search of color and spring and will be sweetened by our desserts.
March 05, 2015