Menu delivery a stelle e strisce pronto in pochi minuti

Stars and Stripes delivery menu ready in minutes

Thanksgiving can be the excuse for a dinner delivery with American food products. With Combi Wave it is ready in a few minutes.
November 26, 2020
Pranzo da asporto originale: menu dell'operaio e dell'impiegato

Original takeaway lunch: worker and employee menu

For establishments in an industrial area, the lunch break is a profitable moment. Find out how to increase sales and loyalty with 2 personalized offers.
September 10, 2020
40 burger in 60 minuti: asporto vantaggioso con Combi Wave

40 burgers in 60 minutes: convenient takeaway with Combi Wave

The first reopenings are accompanied by the continuation of deliveries and takeaways. Discover the recipes for take-away gastronomy to optimize order management.
May 21, 2020
Pastasciutta al forno: Combi Wave supera la sfida di Simone Rugiati

Baked pasta: Combi Wave overcomes Simone Rugiati's challenge

Ready meals for bars are common in fast food, but lack originality. Try the recipe designed by Simone Rugiati for the Combi Wave oven.
April 02, 2020
Rapid Salmon: secondo di pesce senza scarti (e attese)

Rapid Salmon: fish main course without waste (and waiting)

Discover the recipe that Simone Rugiati has created for Combi Wave and prepare a trio of salmon flan, steak and skewer in two and a half minutes.
March 19, 2020
Menu di Halloween: fritti e dolci da paura

Halloween menu: scary fried foods and desserts

Are you looking for last minute ideas for your Halloween menu? With our professional ovens of the Combi line you can quickly make a frighteningly good offer.