Come ampliare il menu colazione con 4 semplici ricette

How to expand the breakfast menu with 4 simple recipes

Breakfast at the bar is a well-established Italian habit, but it doesn't have to be banal for this reason. Add some novelty to your local menu.
July 19, 2018
Tags: bar Barista menu
Idee per il buffet a pranzo: 4 ricette facili e veloci

Ideas for the lunch buffet: 4 quick and easy recipes

Are you looking for ideas for buffets to offer for lunch in your restaurant? We have 4 quick and easy recipes ready for you to prepare, a complete menu from appetizers to desserts.
Aperitivi per bar: nuove idee con Ice n Roll

Aperitifs for bars: new ideas with Ice n Roll

An opportunity for profit for restaurant business managers, happy hour is now offered everywhere. It becomes important to differentiate with the offer. Take an example from our ideas for aperitifs for bars.
Pasta alla carbonara: 3 ricette gustose

Carbonara pasta: 3 tasty recipes

Pasta alla carbonara is one of the most famous recipes in our country, which lends itself to many variations. Find out how to prepare one or more special proposals.
April 05, 2018
Menu di Pasqua per bar: idee creative per l'aperitivo

Easter menu for bars: creative ideas for an aperitif

How to create an Easter menu for the aperitif of bars and clubs? Discover the many creative solutions to create imaginative and tasty aperitifs and appetizers.
March 22, 2018
Menu di San Patrizio: i piatti da non dimenticare

St. Patrick's menu: dishes not to be forgotten

From the Irish tradition, an opportunity to fill the place: celebrate March 17 in your pub with a St. Patrick's menu. Discover the dishes that cannot be missed.
March 14, 2018
Tags: bar birreria pub
Piatti da asporto: 3 ricette da proporre per pranzo

Takeaway dishes: 3 recipes to offer for lunch

Take-out dishes are always a food choice for a quick lunch. 3 recipes to expand the schiscetta menu.
Menu Giorno del Ringraziamento: idee per bar

Thanksgiving Day Menu: Bar Ideas

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on Thursday 23 November. Enrich your offer with a menu inspired by Thanksgiving Day. Find out how to prepare it in no time with Combi Wave.
November 16, 2017
Menu di Halloween: idee veloci per sorprendere i clienti

Halloween menu: quick ideas to surprise customers

Halloween menu: what to prepare in a short time, increasing the chances of sale? Here are our scary proposals.
October 19, 2017
Pranzo di Ferragosto, idee per un menu a tema

Mid-August lunch, ideas for a themed menu

Does your business remain open during the August 15 long weekend? Take the opportunity to transform this day of celebration into an opportunity to earn by offering a fresh and colorful themed menu.
August 03, 2017
Ricette per piatti freddi, il menu di luglio

Recipes for cold dishes, the July menu

Preparing a menu according to the season is essential to update your proposals and satisfy the tastes of customers according to the moment. For the July menu, we offer you some recipes for cold dishes, from first courses to large salads.
July 06, 2017
Menu apericena: creare un’offerta di qualità con poco

Apericena menu: create a quality offer with little

The aperitif menu is now a consolidated habit in almost all establishments that offer a buffet during happy hour. Creating an interesting and original proposal allows your business to differentiate you from other bars in terms of quality and ingenuity. Some simple ideas to make your aperitif menu rich and delicious, capable of conquering every palate.