Scontrino medio del gelato: come alzarlo con basso food cost

Average ice cream receipt: how to raise it with low food cost

The lockdown has put a strain on the income of an ice cream parlor. Find out how to increase the average receipt without letting the customer notice.
June 25, 2020
Ice N Roll Matcha: zero glutine, tanti benefici

Ice N Roll Matcha: zero gluten, many benefits

Would you like to offer gluten-free ice cream to your customers but don't know where to start? Thanks to Ice N Roll and Foodness you only need 30 seconds in total safety.
Veicoli street food a norma: E-Bike Techfood supera tutti

Standard street food vehicles: E-Bike Techfood surpasses all

Street food vehicles and safety, a fundamental combination for carrying out a street food business with confidence, especially since the street food sector has become a trend. In 2016, in...
April 12, 2018
Dolci senza glutine: in piena sicurezza grazie a Techfood

Gluten-free sweets: in complete safety thanks to Techfood

Discover the story of Antonella Leo who, together with her husband Fabrizio Zappi, decided to rely on Techfood and offer gluten-free ice cream and desserts in their ice cream shop.
November 23, 2017
Macchine per gelato, idee per ogni locale

Ice cream machines, ideas for every place

Ice cream machines, which ones to choose for your business? Find out what questions to ask yourself before choosing the most suitable ice cream machine for your business.
June 15, 2017