Opening on 5 September 2020, in such a complicated year, was a challenge for Ramona Granatella, owner of the Burger Queen fast food restaurant format . His story is an example of how passion and determination are essential to overcome any obstacle, and if you are equipped with the right equipment you can tackle it even better.
Ramona's kitchen is equipped with Combi Wave , Combi Wave Smart and Choco Burger station to offer a sweet variant of the restaurant's flagship product. The burger is, in fact, the prince of the menu , a winning proposition especially for the target audience.
“This place has been purely studied. We decided to open a place for kids, because where in Sangano, in the province of Turin, there is nothing like this” says Ramona. Watch the complete interview published in the BaristiDentro Facebook group :

With Combi Wave and Combi Wave Smart Ramona bakes sandwiches and treats in a short time, without a chimney, and made with selected products.
“I use Combi Wave and Combi Wave Smart together. I need the first to prepare burgers, while the second to cook treats. So when they ask me for burgers and fries, in the Combi Wave I cook the sandwich and in the Combi Wave Smart the fried food without oil.”

Research is important to always intrigue the customer and retain loyal customers with a continuously updated proposal with local ingredients. Just look at this burger with beef, dried tomatoes, gorgonzola and caramelized onion to understand how much care goes into the offer. And this is one of the secrets for those who want to aim for fast food with a focus on a single product: to vary without straying from the original concept.

We at Techfood study the needs of each establishment to find the most suitable solution for each context and business idea. Like when we supported the L'Oasi del Lupo fruit and vegetable store in Bologna to renew itself and become a creperie .