Sweet, savoury, classic or innovative, crêpes are a dish that brings everyone together, young and old.
Perfect for the summer, they can be enjoyed as a single dish or as a tasty snack .
A very common preparation in France and Switzerland, today the crêpe has become an extremely appreciated food in Italy as well. So much so that they can be enjoyed throughout the meal, starting with the ham and cheese ones and ending with the sweet delicacies with fruit and whipped cream.
Simple, cheap and fast , they are the ideal way to increase turnover and attract customers in summer and winter.
An original idea? Organize a real themed party in your club!
Obviously you need to have the right equipment to prepare them.
Rondò Unika is the ideal solution: the only multifunctional interchangeable plate that adapts to preparations that can be proposed at all hours of the day. It can cook crêpes, waffles, churros, donuts, cones, waffles, wraps, omelettes, pancakes, tortillas and much more. Just change the plate with a simple click.
Our chef Simone Agosta offers some delicious ideas of gourmet and fresh crêpes to be prepared with the Techfood plate.

Cut the courgettes lengthwise, creating a thickness of about 2 mm. Put them to macerate with salt, pepper, oil and lemon - both juice and peel.
Prepare the dressing by mixing dill and chives in a jar of Greek yoghurt and adding a teaspoon of wine vinegar.
Fill the crêpe with the courgettes, our dressing and the smoked salmon.
Once rolled up and sliced on the short side, our culinary work of art is ready to be served.
The extra tip? Serve it accompanied with caviar for a truly original taste.

Choose a very ripe peach , peel it, cut it into chunks and leave it to macerate for an hour with the sugar.
Once the time has elapsed, put the mixture in a saucepan and caramelize it on the stove. Wait for it to cool down and blend with a couple of fresh basil leaves.
Then fill the sweet crêpe with the ice cream and close it like a candy. Top with the peach sauce and serve as soon as possible.
A delicious snack and definitely suitable for the season!

Marinate the prawns with a drop of lemon, a pinch of salt and a sprinkling of black pepper. In another bowl, reserve the same treatment for the valerian. Now cut the melon into small spheres with a pastry cutter.
Then compose our crêpe with the melon, the prawns, the marinated lamb's lettuce and a few chives .
Finally close forming a classic bundle; ideal for an aperitif or a special dinner .
For other original and creative ideas, don't hesitate to contact us . Happy preparation!
Perfect for the summer, they can be enjoyed as a single dish or as a tasty snack .
A very common preparation in France and Switzerland, today the crêpe has become an extremely appreciated food in Italy as well. So much so that they can be enjoyed throughout the meal, starting with the ham and cheese ones and ending with the sweet delicacies with fruit and whipped cream.
Simple, cheap and fast , they are the ideal way to increase turnover and attract customers in summer and winter.
An original idea? Organize a real themed party in your club!
Obviously you need to have the right equipment to prepare them.
Rondò Unika is the ideal solution: the only multifunctional interchangeable plate that adapts to preparations that can be proposed at all hours of the day. It can cook crêpes, waffles, churros, donuts, cones, waffles, wraps, omelettes, pancakes, tortillas and much more. Just change the plate with a simple click.
Our chef Simone Agosta offers some delicious ideas of gourmet and fresh crêpes to be prepared with the Techfood plate.

Crêpe swivel style with zucchini, smoked swordfish and yoghurt dressing and aromatic herbs.
- 2 zucchini
- salt
- Pepper
- 1 lemon
- 2 slices of smoked swordfish
- A pot of Greek yogurt
- Herbs
Cut the courgettes lengthwise, creating a thickness of about 2 mm. Put them to macerate with salt, pepper, oil and lemon - both juice and peel.
Prepare the dressing by mixing dill and chives in a jar of Greek yoghurt and adding a teaspoon of wine vinegar.
Fill the crêpe with the courgettes, our dressing and the smoked salmon.
Once rolled up and sliced on the short side, our culinary work of art is ready to be served.
The extra tip? Serve it accompanied with caviar for a truly original taste.

Candy crêpe with ice cream and peach coulis.
- homemade ice cream with cream or fiordilatte
- 1 peach
- basil
- 1 tablespoon of sugar
Choose a very ripe peach , peel it, cut it into chunks and leave it to macerate for an hour with the sugar.
Once the time has elapsed, put the mixture in a saucepan and caramelize it on the stove. Wait for it to cool down and blend with a couple of fresh basil leaves.
Then fill the sweet crêpe with the ice cream and close it like a candy. Top with the peach sauce and serve as soon as possible.
A delicious snack and definitely suitable for the season!

Crêpe dumpling with melon and prawns.
- 50 gm of peeled prawns
- 2 slices of netted melon
- 1 lemon
- Valerian
- salt
- black pepper
- Chives
Marinate the prawns with a drop of lemon, a pinch of salt and a sprinkling of black pepper. In another bowl, reserve the same treatment for the valerian. Now cut the melon into small spheres with a pastry cutter.
Then compose our crêpe with the melon, the prawns, the marinated lamb's lettuce and a few chives .
Finally close forming a classic bundle; ideal for an aperitif or a special dinner .
For other original and creative ideas, don't hesitate to contact us . Happy preparation!