With the arrival of summer, customers prefer a fresh and tasty offer. Not only ice cream shops, but also establishments such as bars and restaurants can sell ice cream by creating a corner dedicated to the offer or a customized menu. With this article you will be able to discover three Techfood proposals that he has studied for places that want to offer ice cream products with success.

Selling ice cream: our ideas

Ice n Roll
The secret to selling ice cream is knowing how to personalize the offer according to the season, tastes and time of day. Ice n Roll is the ideal solution for those who want to offer an unconventional ice cream, combining it with courses other than that of the sweet break. Thanks to its technology, Ice n Roll allows you to instantly cream any type of flavour, giving the ice cream a rolled shape. Ice n Roll is suitable for making any ice cream you prefer, from the classic vanilla, strawberry and chocolate flavours, to the cheese and cream flavors ideal for an unusual and spectacular aperitif. By placing the plate on a visible point of your establishment, in fact, you will be able to show customers the Ice n Roll creation process, enchanting the public and increasing the chances of selling ice creams.
Find out how to create an offer dedicated to the vegan public with Ice n Roll .
If you prefer to diversify the offer by proposing Ice n Roll only on special occasions, we recommend the street food formula both in the cart version and in the two-wheeled version. The latter is a small preview of a Techfood novelty, namely the Street Food E-Bike, the electric bicycle that allows you to create a corner dedicated to food in a small space and absolutely practical.
Customizing the offer to sell ice creams, this is the basic principle not only of Ice n Roll but also of YO4ME , a complete system designed to make frozen yoghurt and frozen yoghurt in seconds. Thanks to on-the-spot mixing, YO4ME reduces all types of waste, offering the customer the right portion of the ice cream they love most. For this reason it is an ideal solution for all places that want to expand the offer by focusing on new products.
To get your customers even more involved, you could create a contest to name one or more combinations of flavours. The winner or winners of the competition will be the ones with the most votes from the other customers and the favorite matchings will become real ice creams on the club's menu.
Choco Ice Cream
If you want to aim for the fastest option to sell ice cream and expand the offer of your local Choco Gelato is the right solution for you. In fact, the product is sold in individual cone-shaped packages and it is not necessary to prepare the product, as in the case of the preparation of Ice n Roll and Gelato Factory ice cream. Ideal for offering take away consumption, it allows you to diversify the menu of a restaurant with comfort and simplicity.
Ice n Roll, YO4ME and Choco Gelato are three Techfood solutions that allow a venue to make its offer unique and recognizable to the public, increasing sales opportunities with particular attention to product customization and waste reduction. Do you already have one of these machines? Tell us about your experience in the comments.
April 27, 2017