The costs of a bar, as you know from experience, weigh heavily on the management of a place. Rent, staff, utilities, waste and an accountant are essential expenses for the business, exceeding 30,000 euros annually without batting an eye. Although these costs are impossible to cut radically, they can be reduced with a few tricks .
Among the most important precautions to limit the costs of a bar, the choice of equipment stands out. In fact, this has a heavy impact on food costs and utilities, two items of expenditure that are easier to adapt to the economic needs of the business. Choosing the right equipment is therefore one of the first steps towards guaranteed savings. Techfood solutions, for example, meet the need to reduce consumption and waste, here's how.
1. Food cost lower than other solutions on the market
When we talk about the costs of a bar to be reduced, the first operation to do is the calculation of the food cost. Never underestimate its importance for the finances of your establishment, the cost of a single dish is the basis for learning how to save .
What are the values to consider to calculate the food cost? As we wrote in a previous article , you will need to include the cost of the raw material, labor and a percentage of general additional costs in the analysis.
Calculations are useful but not enough, it is necessary to evaluate the best solutions on the market based on the proposed food cost. As in the case ofBubble Waffle Techfood, which beats all its peers with a food cost of €0.40 compared to €1.43 from other producers. His is an advantageous formula whereby with 1 kg of food preparation it is possible to obtain 14 portions , while the yield of the other solutions is only 8 pieces per kg. On balance, you will have saved more than half.

2. Zero waste with on-demand preparation
The incidence of rejects is a determining variable in the costs of a bar . Unreasonable spending, too large a range and a frenzy to sell more are the basis for a large unsold inventory. The production of waste is, in fact, a direct consequence in establishments that want to offer too much, without really taking into account the sales.
The solutions to a zero waste business are consequently learning how to shop and narrowing down the assortment. However, it is possible to pay more attention to the cost item by choosing equipment such as Rondò Unika . Equipped with 6 plates , Rondò Unika allows you to prepare on demand wraps, crêpes, pancakes, waffles, donuts and waffles at the moment. In this way you will avoid overproduction or excessive storage of ready-made products, with the risk of having to throw them away.
An extra advantage for the costs of a bar: Rondò Unika is easy to use. Therefore it does not require qualified personnel , limiting the expenditure item of the employees.

3. Cooking speed for lower energy consumption
According to the Italian federation of public establishments, the electricity consumption of bars and restaurants reaches an average of 26,000 kWh per single activity , almost ten times the annual consumption of an Italian family. It is therefore essential to intervene with new , more efficient technologies for a lower impact on the bill and on the environment.
Although it may seem counterintuitive, renewing equipment helps cut consumption and optimize the costs of a bar. The Combi Line by Techfood responds to this need, offering 3 different counter solutions for small and large bars.
Combi Wave andCombi Wave Smart (the space-saving version of the former) combine the latest infrared, impingement and microwave technologies to cook 10 times faster than other ovens. Ultrafast cooking helps minimize energy consumption , with a clear advantage in bills. Furthermore, as chef Eugenia Botti confirms , Combi Wave and Combi wave Smart can cook on standby. The heat retained inside the oven is ideal for drying and preparing vegetable chips.
Combi Masterchef , as for the other machines in the line, allows you to save on frying oil . Thanks to a patented system, it guarantees crunchy frying without oil, which is lighter and more digestible than the classic preparation in the fryer.

Food costs and utilities are therefore easily manageable expenditure items, if equipped with the right equipment . If you think that the solutions presented in this article could be right for you, contact us immediately for more information .