If organizing events for singles is among your ideas to increase earnings, know that you are on the right track. According to the latest research , those who live alone spend 60% more than their engaged peers , an interesting figure for all establishments that target this target. San Faustino is the best occasion to test an evening dedicated to singles. Unfortunately, times are tight, but luckily we have thought of 3 last minute ideas to re-propose in your restaurant.
Looking for a soul mate at all costs
Italian families formed by a single person are increasingly frequent, with a growth of 21% between 2007 and 2017 ( source Adnkronos ). Singles are growing and consequently their expenses in search of a soul mate, reaching 9.5 billion euros in 2017 for dating.
According to SpeedDate.it, the Italian dating platform, each single spends an average of 100 euros a month trying to find a partner, a budget of 1,200 euros a year. From the point of view of food & beverage, the data confirm the general trend, just think that those who live alone spend 480 euros a month against 184 euros per capita for couples .
San Faustino therefore proves to be an opportunity to reach an important target. This is why we offer you 3 last minute ideas for organizing events for singles in your bar .
1) Aperidates
A more informal version of the speed date , the format in which you meet new people in rotation and in a few minutes. If in the original version it is the women who sit at the table and the man who turns around, in the aperidate the formation of the couple is in the hands of fate between a cocktail and a round at the buffet.
Buffet for aperitif ready in minutes with Combi Masterchef.
As in the game of the chair, all the participants – whether men or women – go around the tables. At the sound of a bell they have to sit down two by two, in completely random order. Couples have 5 minutes to get to know each other before getting up and trying their luck again.

2) Find the other half
In organizing singles events, hunting for your other half is one of the most fun and engaging . Upon entering your restaurant, each person is asked a series of questions to find out their tastes and affinities.
Once the test is done, the person is given a sticker with a halved design, such as an apple cut in half. The person then has to search through the crowd for their other half to complete themselves. You can vary the game by using the names of the most famous couples in history, such as Romeo and Juliet or Rose and Jack from Titanic. There are many references and the expense for this activity is low: all you need is adhesive labels and an indelible marker.
3) Couple karaoke, extraction
The best way to break the ice on a first date is karaoke, even when you're stoned. For San Faustino, organize a draw karaoke for couples , a perfect solution for entertaining singles and for creating a festive atmosphere in your venue.
People entering the bar leave their names, which are entered into a pairing draw box. The couples will have to give their best: a jury made up of the public in the club decrees the best one, which will receive a recognition prize. Obviously the songs will all be about love, to ignite the spark at the end of the duet.

In San Faustino, bars and clubs can offer a lot to those who want to celebrate the evening in joy, meeting new people. If proposed with a certain consistency, the three ideas for organizing events for singles that we have presented to you today represent one of the levers for retaining customers at your venue . Do you want to know more? Discover them in our article dedicated to customer care .