The curve of coronavirus cases grows again and with it the unfortunate possibility of a positive employee within the staff . There are many doubts about procedures, responsibilities and timing, which is why we asked Mattia Parizzi , occupational safety expert and consultant for OMEN , 7 questions .
To ascertain a positive employee, it means that the swab and reporting to the competent ASL have been carried out previously. Obviously the worker is subjected to isolation for the entire duration of the contagious period, in conditions such as to prevent transmission. The imposition of isolation is the responsibility of the ASL , which evaluates the case according to whether it is symptomatic or not and starts the procedure for monitoring the positive subject.
For asymptomatic positive people, the isolation period lasts at least 10 days from the appearance of the positivity. At the end of the quarantine, the molecular test is mandatory, which must be negative (procedure: 10 days + test).
There are also differences between cases of symptomatic positivity. The confinement of the symptomatic is at least 10 days with the obligation to do a molecular test after at least 3 days without symptoms (procedure: 10 days, of which at least 3 days without symptoms + test).
A long-term positive employee , on the other hand, no longer has symptoms, but continues to be positive. If the symptoms have been absent for at least a week, he can stop isolation 21 days after the onset of symptoms and return to work.

To understand how it is applied, you need to understand the concept of contact well, i.e. when you are exposed to a probable or confirmed case of COVID-19 in a period of time ranging from 48 hours before to 14 days after the onset of symptoms. Below are the definitions of close contact with high risk exposure and casual contact with low risk exposure.

The decision always rests with the territorially competent health authority, but the employer can order an extraordinary preventive closure to provide for the precise sanitation of the area . Once performed, the manager schedules reopening in the event of extraordinary preventive closure. If, on the other hand, the closure is imposed by the ASL, it is the same that approves the reopening of the place.
For decontamination, the use of 0.1% sodium hypochlorite is recommended after cleaning. For surfaces that can be damaged by sodium hypochlorite, use 70% ethanol after cleaning with a neutral detergent. All frequently touched surfaces must be cleaned with particular attention. The fabric materials must be subjected to a washing cycle with hot water at 90°C and detergent.
All cleaning operations must be carried out by personnel with an FFP2 or FFP3 mask, face protection, gloves and long-sleeved waterproof disposable gown. After use, PPE for cleaning should be disposed of as potentially infectious material .

Certification of negative swab testing and a medical examination prior to resuming work are required if the absence for health reasons lasts longer than sixty continuous days.
It is urgently necessary to notify the public safety authority , which will ensure that the isolation is respected, and the competent ASL, which will carry out the epidemiological analysis. In any case, I remind you that anyone who has contracted Covid-19 and does not comply with the precautionary measures imposed can incur a criminal sanction with arrest from 3 to 18 months, as well as a fine from 500 to 5,000 euros. In the event of violation of fiduciary isolation, however, an administrative fine in cash from 400 to 3,000 euros is envisaged.
The spread of the coronavirus has changed the daily life of workers in the horeca sector, and not just in terms of safety. Catering has had to reinvent itself with each dpcm, as in the case of early closure .
What is the first thing to do in case of an infected employee?
To ascertain a positive employee, it means that the swab and reporting to the competent ASL have been carried out previously. Obviously the worker is subjected to isolation for the entire duration of the contagious period, in conditions such as to prevent transmission. The imposition of isolation is the responsibility of the ASL , which evaluates the case according to whether it is symptomatic or not and starts the procedure for monitoring the positive subject.
How does isolation for asymptomatics change from symptomatics?
For asymptomatic positive people, the isolation period lasts at least 10 days from the appearance of the positivity. At the end of the quarantine, the molecular test is mandatory, which must be negative (procedure: 10 days + test).
There are also differences between cases of symptomatic positivity. The confinement of the symptomatic is at least 10 days with the obligation to do a molecular test after at least 3 days without symptoms (procedure: 10 days, of which at least 3 days without symptoms + test).
A long-term positive employee , on the other hand, no longer has symptoms, but continues to be positive. If the symptoms have been absent for at least a week, he can stop isolation 21 days after the onset of symptoms and return to work.

In addition to the positive employee, are all staff forced to be isolated?
To understand how it is applied, you need to understand the concept of contact well, i.e. when you are exposed to a probable or confirmed case of COVID-19 in a period of time ranging from 48 hours before to 14 days after the onset of symptoms. Below are the definitions of close contact with high risk exposure and casual contact with low risk exposure.

Who takes the decision to temporarily close the venue?
The decision always rests with the territorially competent health authority, but the employer can order an extraordinary preventive closure to provide for the precise sanitation of the area . Once performed, the manager schedules reopening in the event of extraordinary preventive closure. If, on the other hand, the closure is imposed by the ASL, it is the same that approves the reopening of the place.
What do you recommend for cleaning the premises?
For decontamination, the use of 0.1% sodium hypochlorite is recommended after cleaning. For surfaces that can be damaged by sodium hypochlorite, use 70% ethanol after cleaning with a neutral detergent. All frequently touched surfaces must be cleaned with particular attention. The fabric materials must be subjected to a washing cycle with hot water at 90°C and detergent.
All cleaning operations must be carried out by personnel with an FFP2 or FFP3 mask, face protection, gloves and long-sleeved waterproof disposable gown. After use, PPE for cleaning should be disposed of as potentially infectious material .

What are the recovery procedures for the recovered employee from isolation?
Certification of negative swab testing and a medical examination prior to resuming work are required if the absence for health reasons lasts longer than sixty continuous days.
How to behave if the worker knows he is positive, but does not notify the employer?
It is urgently necessary to notify the public safety authority , which will ensure that the isolation is respected, and the competent ASL, which will carry out the epidemiological analysis. In any case, I remind you that anyone who has contracted Covid-19 and does not comply with the precautionary measures imposed can incur a criminal sanction with arrest from 3 to 18 months, as well as a fine from 500 to 5,000 euros. In the event of violation of fiduciary isolation, however, an administrative fine in cash from 400 to 3,000 euros is envisaged.
The spread of the coronavirus has changed the daily life of workers in the horeca sector, and not just in terms of safety. Catering has had to reinvent itself with each dpcm, as in the case of early closure .