After the last Dpcm Conte had ensured an economic provision for operators forced to partially or totally close, now the refreshment decree has finally been approved . With 32 articles, the document provides for a series of dutiful interventions in record time with 5.4 billion of net debt.
"It is a quick, effective and efficient measure - underlines the Minister of Economic Development Stefano Patuanelli - and it is necessary to immediately find a way to intervene with refreshments that do not arrive in a few months". For this "the non-repayable contributions will arrive directly on the account current of the categories concerned with a bank transfer from the Revenue Agency "explains Prime Minister Conte.
Who can access the resources?
Holders of a VAT number who carry out activities suspended by the new October decree can enjoy non-repayable refreshments . The contribution is credited directly to the subjects' bank or postal current account, the amount cannot exceed 150,000 thousand euros. They can receive it:- subjects who have already requested support after the May relaunch decree;
- and also companies with an annual turnover of more than 5 million euros.

How much is the aid?
Bars, ice cream parlors, pastry shops, hotels and holiday homes will receive 150% compared to the relaunch decree. For example, a small bar that received 2,000 euros in May will now take 3,000 . 200% of what has already been received will instead go to restaurants. A large restaurant, which had received 13 thousand euros with the relaunch, will now take 26 thousand. The refreshment decree also provides for:- the extension for the months of October, November and December of the tax discount equal to 60% of rents for non-residential properties and 30% of company rents.
- the suspension in November of contributions for the workers of the companies concerned;
- the blocking of layoffs until 31 January 2021;
- two new months of emergency income;
- the abolition of the payment of the second installment of the IMU;
- the extension to 30 November 2020 of the deadline for the presentation of the 770 model.
How to request compensation?
On the INPS website you will find the section dedicated to assistance services issued to deal with the economic and social repercussions of the pandemic. The path to take to request refreshments is the same as for the relaunch decree , only in this case two paths can be taken:- for those who have already requested compensation in May, the transfer will automatically arrive in the current account by the Revenue Agency by 15 November;
- for those who, on the other hand, ask for financial help for the first time, the Agency will reopen the channel for requests and refreshments will arrive by mid-December.

What do the horeca protagonists say?
The last few days have seen bartenders, waiters, club managers take to the streets to protest the early closing at 6pm. There are many opinions from sector operators, all agreeing on the government's lack of foresight. We asked Pedro Matos Maceli , known on social media as Il Barista Incazzato , what he thinks of the situation. Every day he compares himself online with baristas from all over Italy and he seemed like the right figure to represent the category : «There is an obstinacy towards the catering sector with ever more restrictive measures. They forced us to reduce the covers , to keep our distance, to register customers, then again to anticipate the closure. We are willing to sacrifice ourselves for everyone's health, but we would like protection and foresight from the Government. We endured a first lockdown, a second would be unsustainable for many merchants. There is a risk of seeing a sector disappear, the catering chain. From food producers to us bartenders who serve food and drinks.» To deal with the early closure, Il Barista Incazzato relies on Squeezita dispensers, produced by the Italian Food Factory in collaboration with Techfood. The cream and jam dispensers allow you to:- filling croissants and brioches for breakfast on the spot;
- avoid daily inventories thanks to preparation on request;
- expand the offer of pastries to make the breakfast bar exclusive.