Do you have a good number of followers and is social media your thing? If your profile is suitable for a young target, perhaps you are ready to open a profile on TikTok. In Italy 4 million users are involved and the trend is constantly growing, so much so as to fascinate chef Bruno Barbieri. Let's find out how to use Tiktok for catering.

What is TikTok?

Anyone with sons and daughters will have already heard of it, but it's time to get to the bottom of it and learn about the potential of this platform. TikTok is a video social network born in China in 2016 that can be used from mobile devices that allows you to create funny content such as comic dialogues or sing a song in sync with the song or a scene from a film. The videos last an average of 15 seconds up to 60 seconds and are widely followed by VIPs from the world of food. Among the most famous are Bruno Barbieri , Chef in Shirt and Chef Club .

How to open a TikTok account?

Creating a TikTok account is very intuitive and fast . You start by adding an email address, a telephone number or using the credentials of other social networks, such as Facebook, Instagram and Google. Then you can customize the profile with a profile picture and biography - in which we advise you to put the information of the place.

How to use TikTok for catering?

The context of this social network is entertainment, so you need to evaluate the effectiveness for your audience. If the evaluation is positive, throw yourself into an adventure that you will enjoy a lot, but remember to be short, original, funny and useful. Brands don't have to be comical at all costs, sometimes it's better not to go overboard . An example to study could be FUD Bottega Sicula who posted the opening video to the channel getting 1 million views using "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls.

A young tool needs products that can be attractive to young users, such as Bubble Waffles or Choco Kebabs . You could be the first in your city and involve an unexpected audience!

September 03, 2020