Think ice cream different

Discover Ice N Roll, the ice cream rolled and whipped instantly that gives a new shape to your business.


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30 seconds of preparation

Show cooking attracts customers

No production waste

Low power consumption

Ice N Roll is the machine for instantly creaming ice cream and sorbets, giving them an unmistakable rolled shape. In just 30 seconds you can serve an original ice cream of any flavour.

Leave room for creativity and combine ingredients to obtain gourmet recipes, also perfect for aperitifs or for an exclusive catering service.

They say about Ice n roll
We have proposed Ice n Roll to customers who are always looking for something new. For example, we brought it during an important event at Cersaie – the International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings in Bologna – for an audience of thousands of people. It was much appreciated, it intrigued the end customers who were happy to be able to taste Ice n Roll. Then we also proposed it in the hospitality area of ​​Sassuolo Calcio, where it was very successful especially among young people.
— Giulio Bacicchi, I Love My Kitchen
With Ice N Roll we prepared a beer ice cream for a special aperitif. The idea was very popular. In addition to the scenic preparation of the ice cream, the taste was very noticeable and amazed the customers. We take great care of taste, it is essential that it feels good for a positive customer experience.
— Antonio Russo, La Borbonica pastry shop
Ice n Roll is a very useful piece of equipment because we can quickly prepare an ice cream at any time. Plus the bases are easy to prepare. For example, it happened that they asked me for an ice cream with lemon, but the taste was finished. In a few moments I was able to make a rolled lemon ice cream in front of the customer.
— Michele Nella, Porta San Zeno

Do you want to give your business a new shape?
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